Adelaide City
Seventh-day Adventist Church


Address: 82 Angas Street, Adelaide (map)

Parking: Available in the car park located on Moore Street (behind Royalty Theatre) $2.00 parking vouchers available from the Deacons (map)


Worship Times: 9.30am Sabbath (Saturday) – Sabbath School, 11.00am Worship Service, 12.30pm Soup and Buns Fellowship


Pastors and Contact Details: 

Brenton Wilkinson – Senior Pastor


Welcome to our Website!


Welcome to Adelaide City Seventh-day Adventist Church. You have found the website of the only Adventist Church in Central Adelaide. Our Church is a super friendly, multi-cultural congregation with representatives of every continent choosing to worship with us each weekend.


As you visit with us you will discover a traditional Adventist, family orientated congregation of almost 200 attendees. As you transition to being a regular attender you will find a church that is committed to sharing the transformative power of the gospel, with our inner city community. You will discover that members of this congregation hold a strong conviction that  Christ is soon to appear the second time as  our living Saviour.


If you are visiting Adelaide, our church is within walking distance of most hotels and two university campuses. If you are staying a little further a field catch a tram or bus to Victoria Square and follow the map attached to this website. Our congregation includes approx 40 university students who  attend inner city universities and relish the fellowship and food at our weekly soup and buns. We would love to have you join us.

Major Ministry Events

Friday Night, University “Care Groups”

Friday Night, University “Care Groups”

This Friday evening and every Friday evening, university students and young professionals meet together for Caregroup. Commencing at 6:30pm, the evening involves dinner together, singing, fellowship, Bible discovery and sharing. For more details contact Emmanuel on 0415 270 720.

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday Evenings 7:00pm in the Church Seminar Room. In this group we will be studying through the book of Acts and praying for the needs of the Church and of its members. We would love you to join us!

Wednesday Night Badminton

Wednesday Night Badminton

Please join us for Badminton each Wednesday night for a time of recreation, exercise and fellowship!  All Welcome! Venue: Adelaide Badminton Centre - 60 Hardys Road, Torrensville SA 5031 Time: 7:15pm - 9:15pm

Some News and Ministry Sites we Recommend

Record Advenetist News


Everything you want to know more about the Adventist Church in the South Pacific. Great for news and information and developments in ministry.
Record Advenetist News

Adventist Review

If you want to know more about happenings and the fulfilment of mission in the worldwide Adventist Church, we recommend this site.

South Australian Conference

The South Australian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will keep you up to date with ministry and training available in the South Australian Region.

ADRA Australia

ADRA Australia. The Adventist Church response to disaster and humantarian need. When disaster occours come to this site.

Living Ministry Media

A vibrant South Australian team of media professionals who livestream the best of South Australian Adventist Ministry.

Hope Channel Live Streamed

Watch Christian television programming live streamed to your desktop. Children’s programming, music, preaching, and Sabbath School all available to you 24 / 7.
Amazing Facts

Amazing Facts

A public evangelism and teaching ministry that presents the bible and biblical prophecy in a relevant manner.
Bible Information

Bible Info

If you want easy to understand biblical answers, this site is worth a look!

Latest news, upcoming events and weekly encouragement.